Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Journal #11

Well, this journal is about ethics and values. I don't really have a whole lot to say about this. I think ethics are more like rules and what you see as being right, and values are more of your own personal views and what you see as important. I have not really ever thought about either of these, so I do not know what to say here. I think ethics are a little more important than values because you should always do what's right. A lot of people follow their values more though because they want to be independent and do what they want to. Values are very important to how a person views themselves. Values helps a person to become who they are and they can establish themselves. Values are things that people value and focus their lives around. Values are basically a set of rules that a person sets for themselves that they follow. Values are usually easy to follow because a person sets them for them selves. For example, a persons value is to be nice and to help others. This is a good value because it is helping out a person and the person who is giving out the niceness. Values are all different types of things. A person could set all their values based on the Bible. This would mean that they follow what the Bible says. They will also follow the 10 Commandments as closely as possible.
Ethics are more closely related to rules, not what an individual sees as being right. Ethics are like what is expected out of a person. For example, if you go to a sit down dinner, it is expected of you to be polite. It is not a rule, but it is generally what people are expecting. It may not be one of you values, but it is what should be done, even though it may not be what you want to do. You may want to be the most rude, obnoxious person on the planet because one of your values, lord knows why, is being loud and proud. That would be what you want to do, but it is not what is expected or what is right. So, basically ethics are what society views as right, and values are what you personally view as right.

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