Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Journal #28

This journal is about a time that I had to convince someone to do something that I wanted them to do. I do not usually have to persuade people to do things. I just ask politely, like "Hey, Brandon, could you grab me that pencil over there?" or "Hey Abby, would you mind driving me to Taco Bell?". I cannot really recall a time when I really had to convince someone to do something I wanted, so I am going to write a story about a bunny and a pig that involves convincing. Here we go.

Once upon a time there was a little blue bunny. His name was Steven. Steven was such a nice little bunny, but he also had a habit of being incredibly stubborn. Steven had a friend named Will. Will was a pig, and he was almost even nicer than Steven.
One day, Will waddled over to Steven's house and knocked on the door with his fat little hoof. Steven opened the door and happily greeted Will.
"Oh, hello Will! What brings you to my humble abode?"
"Oh, Steven. I am stuck in a pickle, and I have a huge favor to ask of you. You see, my grandma wants me to visit her, but she lives so far away! I was wondering if maybe you would go with me...?"
"Will, don't you think this is something that you should do by yourself?" said the bunny skeptically.
"But Steven! There are so many reasons that you should go!" the pig said persuasively. "My grandma LOVES bunnies, and her favorite color is blue! You must go!"
The bunny raised his eyebrow. "Will, I don't think that's a very good reason."
"But wait! There's more! My grandma is always claiming that I have no friends. Please come with me! I need to prove to her that I'm not a failure!"
Steven sighed. "Do you really want me to go?"
"Yes, please Steven please!" the pig pleaded.
"Oh, alright."
"Oh, THANK YOU blue bunny, THANK YOU!"
The end.

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