Monday, October 25, 2010

Journal #17

I do not think I have ever really bonded with nature. I have done things IN nature, like camping and stuff, but I have never done a rain dance or anything like that before. I have never run through the woods butt naked and worshiped a tree or something like that. I do not really know what to type now. I guess I will just talk about how much I loved being outside in nature when I was young. I am not going to make up a story about bonding with nature, my sick sinuses are distracting me too much, and they are blocking my creativity.
Anyway, when I was younger I loooved to go outside. I would go outside as often as possible. I do not know if that's because my family did not have cable or internet, or if it was because I just loved being outside. Well we had cable but we only had like twenty channels, and only one of them had cartoons, and those cartoons only played on Saturday mornings. And we did have internet, but it was dial up so we never used it. Anyway, I'd always be outside. I remember making a Teepee out of big sticks with my neighbor, Amie. It was an awesome teepee. It was real tall and stuff and we used leaves to make it more sheltered. I also used to love climbing tress. I would always climb the one in my front yard, then nestle myself in between these two huge branches with a book and start reading. I suppose that was inadvertently bonding with nature since I was in that tree for a long time. I would also hide out in this "secret" fort that was in between my house and my neighbor's house. I say "secret" because it really wasn't secret at all because it was extremely easy to see. I do not spend as much time outside as I used to. The only time I'm ever outside now is when I wash my car or when I go for walks. I have too many other things to do.

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