I just realized that I still have to do this blog! haha. This blog is about working with a partner. Sometimes I like to work with a partner. Working with a friend is very fun. Sometimes it depends on what friend you are working with, because you may not get a lot of work done. I am usually a hard working person though, and so are most of my friends, so we can work and talk and stuff at the same time. Usually, when we are working and talking and having fun, the work is done before we know it!
I really do not like working with people that I do not like or do not get along with. No one likes to do that. We usually butt heads or do not have to same ideas. Sometimes I just cannot understand what other people are thinking. It is really hard to do a project or something when you and your partner have totally different ways of thinking.
I remember a lot of project that we got in middle that I could have gotten a better grade on had I worked with someone I knew. Usually what ends up happening whenever I am in a group with some is I do all the work. People just assume that since I get my homework done every night that I am going to want to do the whole stupid project. WRONG.
I just do not work very well with partners. If it involves making a poster, they always make me do it because once again they ASSUME that since I like art and I'm a decent artist, I am going to want to draw the poster. WRONG AGAIN. So. I prefer either working with people I know or working alone.
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