I think it would be okay to disregard the law only if you were in a critical situation. Most laws are reasonable, and they are made to insure your safety. I think the only law that can be bent a little bit would be speed limits. I can understand speeding a little bit, but only within a reasonable limit, like 2 or 3 miles per hour over the limit. I highly doubt that there is a person in America that hasn't sped at all. Speeding is a law that is difficult to completely enforce, so I can understand breaking it. However, going 15 miles per hour over the speed limit is way too much, and you would be endangering those around you by having to weave in and out of traffic. Even the speed laws have their limits.
My idea of a critical situation is basically when someone's life is on the line. I can not really think of a law you would possibly have to break if someone's life was on the line. Speeding, maybe, if they were dying in the back seat of your car or something. But even then, you would probably think to call an ambulance first before trying to play hero and drive the dying person to the hospital yourself. If someone was threatening or hurting you, it is not against the law to fight back because that's just self-defense. I am having a difficult time thinking of reasons to break the law. Disregarding the law for drugs is just stupid in my opinion because they are not something someone absolutely needs. I can maybe understand disregarding the law to steal medication for your dying brother or something because you don't have money, but even that is kind of stretching it. I suppose if you were trapped in a building full of deadly chemicals and broke down a door to escape that could be seen as defacing public property. I think being threatened is really the only reason to break the law.
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