This blog is going to be about Santiago’s determination and courage. This one could be in two parts because he is pretty awesome, and he did a lot of courageous things!
“This is the second day now that I do not know the result of the juegos, he thought. But I must have confidence and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel. What is a bone spur? he asked himself. Un espuela de hueso. We do not have them. Can it be as painful as the spur of a fighting cock in one’s heel? I do not think I could endure that or the loss of the eye and of both eyes and continue to fight as the fighting cocks do. Man is not much beside the great birds and beasts. Still I would rather be that beast down there in the darkness of the sea.”
In the quote, Santiago is talking about how beasts are more brave and courageous than humans. He thinks they are stronger. I agree with him in some ways, but I also think it depends on the beast. I mean, tigers, those things are pretty strong and cunning. But I think he’s talking about his marlin. I never thought of a marlin being strong or brave, but I suppose in Santiago’s marlin’s case, it is extremely strong. The marlin is brave for facing its death, as well.
"If you’re not tired, fish," he said aloud, "you must be very strange."
He felt very tired now and he knew the night would come soon and he tried to think of other things.”
I think Santiago is jealous of that awesome marlin. That fish is pulling both Santiago and his bout against the current. I wish I could be that marlin, only not hooked! Santiago is complementing the marlin on its strength and endurance in this quote.
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